Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aarhus
Funded by
The Danish National Research Foundation
Events in 1998
Conferences, workshop, courses
25-29 May 1998, University of Aarhus:
An Introduction to Malliavin Calculus with Applications to Finance.
4-6 August, 1998, University of Aarhus:
Mini-workshop on Stochastics.
7-10 August, 1998, Aalborg University:
MCMC Summer School.
18 August, 1998, University of Aarhus:
Mini-workshop on Mathematical Physics.
25-29 August, 1998, University of Copenhagen:
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes: Theoretical and Computational Aspects.
Fall 1998, University of Aarhus:
Graduate course on Analytic Number Theory.
20 October - 17 December, University of Aarhus:
Graduate Course on Marked Point Processes and Piecewise Deterministic Processes.
21-25 September, 1998, University of Copenhagen:
Concentrated Advanced Course: An Introduction to Stochastic Partial Differential Equations.
5-7 November, 1998, University of Aarhus:
Workshop on Geometric Scattering.
10-14 November, 1998, University of Aarhus:
Concentrated Advanced Course on Queueing Network Theory.
26-28 November, 1998, University of Copenhagen:
Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Random Matrices, Statistical Models of Strings and Quantum Gravity.
Seminars and alike (most recent first)
Thursday, 17 December, 1998 at 14.15 in Koll. G: GEOMETRIC MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS SEMINAR
Alberto Cattaneo (Zürich):
Knot and 3-Manifold Invariants via Configuration Space Integrals II
Tuesday, 15 December, 1998 at 14.15-15.15 in Koll. G3: STATISTICS SEMINAR
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen and Fred Espen Benth, University of Aarhus:
Occupation time and laser cooling
Friday, 11 December, 1998 at 14.15 in Aud. D3: SEMINAR
Professor D. Mayer (TU Clausthal):
The transfer operator approach for Selbergs zeta function for subgroups of PSL(2,Z)
Friday, 4 December, 1998 at 14.15 in Aud. D3: ANALYSIS SEMINAR
Aleksei Venkov (Department of Mathematics, Aarhus U):
Phillips and Sarnak's conjecture for embedded eigenvalues of the automorphic Laplacian
Thursday, 3 December, 1998 at 14.15 in Koll. G: GEOMETRIC MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS SEMINAR
K. Ueno (Kyoto University):
Differential equations for theta constants
Thursday, 12 November, 1998 at 14.15 in Koll. G: SEMINAR
D. Bar-Natan (Hebrew):
1+1=2, The Hopf Link, and the Harish-Chandra-Duflo isomorphism.
Thursday, 5 November, 1998 at 14.00 in E3-109 (Dept. of Math., Aalborg University): SEMINAR
Geoff Nicholls (Auckland):
Imaging with Electricity
Thursday, 8 October, 1998 at 14.15 in H2.28: SEMINAR
Jim Dai (Georgia Institute of Technology):
Reflected Brownian motions and queueing networks
Thursday, 17 September, 1998 at 14.15 in H2.28: SEMINAR
N. Leonenko (Kyiv University):
Statistical inference for random fields arising in Burgers turbulence
Wednesday, 8 July, 1998 at 15 in Aud. D3: SEMINAR
Professor V. Turaev:
A combinatorial formulation for the Seiberg-Witten invariants of 3-manifolds.
Thursday, December 4, 1997 at 14.15 in H2.28: SEMINAR
T. Mikosch, University of Groningen:
What do the Sample Autocorrelations of Heavy-Tailed Processes Tell Us?
Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 14.15 in H2.28: SEMINAR
Fred Espen Benth, Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo:
Generalized Stochastic Processes and SPDE's
Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 14.15 in H2.28: SEMINAR
Uffe Haagerup, Odense Universitet:
Random Matrices and Voiculescu's Non-Commutative Probability Theory
This document,
, was last modified January 19, 2004. Questions or comments to the contents of this document should be directed to