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Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aarhus

Funded by The Danish National Research Foundation

A short workshop on


26-28 November, 1998

AUD A, The Niels Bohr Institute

The Workshop aimed at bringing together physicists and mathematicians working on different aspects of quantum geometry, random surfaces, random matrices and simplicial quantum gravity, for discussion of recent progress. This involves analytical and numerical work, including the "traditional" use of matrix models and dynamical triangulations, as well as the application of matrix model techniques to M(atrix) theory and combinatorial problems.

The workshop was funded by MaPhySto and the grant Global analysis and applications of The Danish Natural Science Research Council.

Workshop Program

Thu Nov 26
9:00-9:45N. Obers:
U-duality and M(atrix) theory
9:50-10:35R. Szabo:
D-branes and the non-commutative structure of quantum space-time
10:40-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-11:40 P. Olesen:
Heavy quark potential in the AdS/CFT approach
11:45-12:15 L. Vaksman:
q-analogues of some bounded symmetric domains
12:20-13:05A. Bilal:
Discrete light-cone quantization of M-theory as a light like limit
13:10-14:10Lunch break
14:10-14:40C. Thomassen:
Resistances in electrical networks and random walks on graphs
14:45-15:15 J. Nishimura:
Dynamical aspects of large N reduced models
15:20-16:05 R. Loll:
A model of 2d Lorentzian quantum gravity
16:10-16:40Coffee break
16:40-17:10 J. Langgaard Nielsen:
Hamiltonian cycles on a random Eulerian triangulation
17:15-17:45 J. Wheater:
The Hausdorff dimension in polymerized quantum gravity
Fri Nov 27
9:00-9:45U. Haagerup:
Asymptotic bounds for spectra of random matrices and random operators on Hilbert spaces
9:50-10:35 V.A. Kazakov:
Exactly calculable SUSY matrix integrals
10:40-11:10Coffee break
11:10-11:40 L. Chekhov:
String matrix models in 1/N: A web of relations
11:45-12:30 I. Kostov:
Matrix string partition functions
12:35-13:05J. Jurkiewicz:
Connected correlators in quantum gravity
13:10-14:10Lunch break
14:10-14:55 Yu. Makeenko:
Matrix theory at finite temperature
15:00-15:30 D. Johnston:
Vertex models on random graphs
15:35-16:05 B. Petersson:
The phase structure of simplicial quantum gravity with a measure factor and the extremal ensemble
16:10-16:40Coffee break
16:40-17:10 G. Thorleifsson:
The joy of being degenerate
17:15-17:45 K. Anagnostopoulos:
Can gauge fields change the phase diagram of 4D quantum gravity?
Sat Nov 28
9:00-9:45F. David:
Renormalization group and large orders for self-avoiding surfaces
9:50-10:20 G. Akemann:
QCD with and without random matrix models
10:25-10:55 Coffee break
11:00-11:45 W. Janke:
Spin systems on quenched random graphs and other random lattices
11:50-12:35 M. Carfora:
The geometry of the strong coupling phase in 4D simplicial gravity
12:40-13:40Lunch break
13:40-14:10 G. Savidy:
Discretized loop transfer matrix: Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
14:15-14:45 T. Jonsson:
Transfermatrix for loops
14:50-15:35 P. Bialas:
Crumpling phase transition in random graphs
15:40-16:10Coffee break
16:10-16:40 Z. Burda:
Phase diagram of the mean field model of simplicial gravity
16:45-17:15 A. D'adda:
YM2 as a matrix string theory

More Information

Please make further inquiries to the local organizers Jan Ambjørn, Bergfinnur Durhuus and Jan Philip Solovej.

This document, http://www.maphysto.dk/oldpages/events/QuantumGeo98/index.html, was last modified January 19, 2004. Questions or comments to the contents of this document should be directed to maphysto@maphysto.dk.