[MaPhySto logo]
Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aarhus

Funded by The Danish National Research Foundation

Events in 1999

Conferences, workshop, courses

January 1999, University of Aarhus:
Thematic period on Lévy Processes, Product Integrals and Pathwise Integration. The thematic period comprised a Concentrated Advanced Course, a Workshop and a Conference.

21-23 January, 1999, University of Copenhagen:
A short workshop on Geometric and Microlocal Analysis.

22-26 February, 1999, University of Aarhus:
Concentrated advanced course on Stochastic Simulation.

22-24 April, 1999, University of Aarhus:
First MaPhySto Workshop on Inverse Problems: Inverse Problems in Stratified Media

5-7 May, 1999, University of Aarhus:
Workshop on Turbulence and Finance

Spring 1999, University of Aarhus:
Advanced Graduate course on Modular forms and Dirichlet series (with applications to analytic number theory)

17-22 May, 1999, University of Odense:
Concentrated advanced course on Free Probability.

9-10 August, 1999, University of Aarhus:
Advanced course on Second-quantized Hamiltonians.

9-20 August, 1999, University of Aarhus:
Summerschool on Empirical Processes.

Thursday September 2, 1999, Aalborg University:
Workshop on Mathematical Physics.

21-26 October, 1999, University of Aarhus:
Workshop on Stochastics and Quantum Physics.

Friday 3 - Saturday 4 December, 1999, University of Aarhus:
Conference on Number Theory and Spectral Theory.

Seminars and alike

Friday, 5 February, 1999 at 12.00 in Koll. G3: SEMINAR
Andrei I. Volodin: On complete convergence for arrays of rowwise independent random elements in Banach spaces

Tuesday, 16 March, 1999 at 16.00 (sharp) in Aud. D3: GMF SEMINAR
K. Ueno (Kyoto): KZB equation of higher genera

Thursday, 25 March, 1999 at 14.15 - 15.15 in H2.28: STATISTICS SEMINAR
Martin Bøgsted Hansen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University and MaPhySto: Multiplicative censoring: Density estimation by a series expansion approach

Thursday, 15 April, 1999 at 14.15 in Aud. Koll G3: GMF SEMINAR
Justin Sawon (Oxford): Curvature and characteristic numbers of hyperkaehler manifolds II

Wednesday, 21 April, 1999 at 15.15 in Aud. G.3.3: GMF SEMINAR
K. Habiro: Finite type invariants and clasper surgeries on knots and 3-manifolds II

Wednesday, 19 May, 1999 at 15:15 in Aud. 10: University of Copenhagen: SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY
Nikalai Leonenko (University of Kiev): Statistical estiamators of the entropy of a random vector and its application in testing of statistical hypotheses.

Wednesday, 19 May, 1999 at 15:15 in Room G.3.2: GMF SEMINAR
Gideon Maschler (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): A Cohomological Viewpoint on the Futaki Invariant I

Wednesday, 26 May, 1999 at 15:15 in Aud. D3: GMF SEMINAR
Bert van Geemen (Torino): On Hitchin's connection

Wednesday, 26 May, 1999 at 16:30 in Aud. D3: SEMINAR
David Adams (University of Adelaide): An index theorem in lattice gauge theory and its continuum limit

Thursday, 27 May, 1999 at 14.15-15.00 in Aud. D1: SEMINAR
Alexei Venkov (Aarhus Universitet): Phillips-Sarnak’s conjecture for Hecke congruence groups with primitive characters

Wednesday, 18 August, 1999 at 13:15 in Aud. G1: SEMINAR
D.M. Salopek (York University): Easy Money or Not: The stop-loss start-gain strategy revisited

Monday, 23 August, 1999 at 14:15 in Aud. D3: GMF SEMINAR
Dietmar Bisch (UCSB): Planar algebras and subfactors

Tuesday, 24 August, 1999 at 14:15 in Aud. D3: GEOMETRIC MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS SEMINAR
Gregor Masbaum (Paris VII): On the Verlinde formula

Tuesday, 7 September, 1999 at 15:15 in Koll. G: SEMINAR
Aimé Lachal (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon): Bridges of certain Wiener integrals: some properties and application to goodness-of-fit testing

Wednesday, 15 September, 1999 at 15:15 in H2.28: SEMINAR
N.H. Bingham (Birkbeck College, University of London): The infinite-dimensional delta method

Tuesday, 21 September, 1999 at 15:15 in Aud. D3: GFM SEMINAR
Gorm Salomonsen : The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer boundary value problem for manifolds with corners

Friday, 8 October, 1999, University of Copenhagen: SEMINAR
Herbert Lee (Department of Mathematics, Copenhagen, and MaPhySto): Symmetry algebras of quantum matrix models in the large-N limit.

Tuesday October 12, 1999, 16.15-17.00: University of Copenhagen: SEMINAR
Søren Asmussen (Department of Mathematical Statistics, Lund): On exponential martingales for modified Lévy processes.

Wednesday October 20, 1999, 14.15: University of Copenhagen: SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY
Jesper Møller (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University): A review on perfect simulation.

Thursday October 21, 1999, 14.15: University of Aarhus: TOPOLOGY AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aarhus): Deformation quantization and geometric quantization of moduli spaces - the abelian case.

Thursday October 28, 1999, 14.15: University of Aarhus: SEMINAR
David Hobson (University of Bath): Passport Options.

Friday October 29, 1999, University of Copenhagen: Q-SEMINAR
Leonid Vaksman (Institute for Low Temperature, Kharkov, Ukraine): Quantum matrix balls.

Wednesday November 3, 1999, 14.15, University of Copenhagen: SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY
Martin Jacobsen (Copenhagen): Optimality and small delta-optimality of martingale estimating functions.

Thursday November 4, 1999, 14.15, University of Aarhus: GMF SEMINAR
Vladimir Turaev (Strasbourg): Homotopy field theory in dimension 2 and group-algebras.

Friday November 5, 1999, University of Copenhagen: Q-SEMINAR
Herbert Lee (Department of Mathematics, Copenhagen, and MaPhySto): Large-N Yang-Mills theory as classical mechanics.

Thursday, 16 December, 1999 at 14:15 in Aud. D3: GMF SEMINAR
Herbert Lee (MaPhySto and Department of Mathematics, University of Copenhagen): Large-N Yang-Mills theory as classical mechanics

This document, http://www.maphysto.dk/oldpages/events/past1999.html, was last modified January 19, 2004. Questions or comments to the contents of this document should be directed to maphysto@maphysto.dk.