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The Danish National Research Foundation:
Network in Mathematical Physics and Stochastics

Funded by The Danish National Research Foundation

MPS-RR 2003-27
October 2003

Deformation Quantization and Geometric Quantization of Abelian Moduli Spaces

by: Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen


The Berezin-Toeplitz deformation quantiation of an abelian variety is explicitly computed by the use of Theta functions. An explicit $SL(2n,Z)$-equivariant complex structure dependent equivalence $E$ between the constant Moyal-Weyl product and this family of deformations is given. This equivalence is seen to be convergent on the dense subspace spanned by the pure phase functions. The Toeplitz operators associated to the the equivalence $E$ applied to a pure phase function produces a covariant constant section of the endomorphism bundle of the vector bundle of Theta functions (for each level) over the moduli space of abelian varieties. Applying this to any holonomy function on the symplectic torus one obtains as the moduli space of $U(1)$-connections on a surface, we provide an explicit geometric construction of the abelian TQFT-operator associated to a simple closed curve on the surface. Using these TQFT-operators we prove an analog of asymptotic faithfulness in this abelain case. Namely that the intersection of the kernels for the quantum representations is the Toreilli subgroup in this abelian case. Furthermore, we relate this construction to the deformation quantization of the moduli spaces flat connections constructed in [AMR1] and [AMR2]. In particular we prove that this topologically defined $*$-product in this abelian case is the Moyal-Weyl product. Finally we combine all of this to give a geometric construction of the abelian TQFT operator associated to any link in the cylinder over the surface and we show the glueing axiom for these operators

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This paper has now been published in Commun. Math. Phys. (to appear).