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The Danish National Research Foundation:
Network in Mathematical Physics and Stochastics

Funded by The Danish National Research Foundation

MPS-RR 2004-11
March 2004

Stable Limits of Martingale Transforms with Application to the Estimation of Garch Parameters

by: Thomas Mikosch, Daniel Straumann


In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of the Gaussian quasi maximum likelihood estimator of a stationary GARCH process with heavy-tailed innovations. This means that the innovations are regularly varying with index $\alpha\in (2, 4)$. Then, in particular, the marginal distribution of the GARCH process has infinite fourth moment and standard asymptotic theory with normal limits and $\sqrt{n}$-rates breaks down. This was recently observed by Hall and Yao (2003). It is the aim of this paper to indicate that the limit theory for the parameter estimators in the heavytailed case nevertheless very much parallels the normal asymptotic theory. In the light-tailed case, the limit theory is based on the CLT for stationary ergodic finite variance martingale di erence sequences. In the heavy-tailed case such a general result does not exist, but an analogous result with infinite variance stable limits can be shown to hold under certain mixing conditions which are satisfied for GARCH processes. It is the aim of the paper to give a general structural result for infinite variance limits which can also be applied in situations more general than GARCH.

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This paper has now been published in Annals of Statistics (to appear)