Guests and postdocs at MaPhySto in 1998
Guests/postdocs whose name is written in boldface
been fully
supported by MaPhySto whereas for those visits that were only co-financed
by MaPhySto, the name is written in italic.
(This list does not include conference/workshop/course
Dror Bar-Natan
(Department of Mathematics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
drorbn (a)
Period of stay:
1998/11/08 until 1998/11/14
Node: Aarhus
Fred Espen Benth
(Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Ny Munkegade Building 530,
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. )
fredb (a)
Period of employment:
1998/04/01 until 1999/04/01
Node: Aarhus
Alberto Cattaneo
(Dipartimento di Fisica,
Universita di Milano)
Period of stay:
1998/12/14 until 1998/12/23
Node: Aarhus
Jim Dai
(School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0205, USA )
dai (a)
Period of stay:
1998/09/22 until 1998/11/18
Node: Aarhus
Jan Derezinski
(Department of Mathematics,
Dep. Math. Meth. in Phys.
Warsaw University,
Hoza 74, 00-682 Warszawa, Poland)
derezins (a)
Period of stay:
1998/07/23 until 1998/09/07
Node: Aarhus
Jan Derezinski
(Department of Mathematics,
Dep. Math. Meth. in Phys.
Warsaw University, Hoza 74,
00-682 Warszawa, Poland)
derezins (a)
Period of stay:
1998/01/16 until 1998/02/15
Node: Aarhus
- Laszlo Erdos (Courant Institute, New York)
erdos (a)
Period of stay:
1998/05/06 until 1998/05/16
Node: Copenhagen
- Laszlo Erdos (Department of Mathematics, Georgia Tech.)
Period of stay:
1998/08/22 until 1998/08/29
Node: Copenhagen
- Marc Hofman (Universite Paris 7, Statistique et Modeles Aleatoires, UFR de Mathematiques, 2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France)
Period of stay:
1998/11/05 until 1998/11/11
Node: Copenhagen
Anders Holst
(Department of Mathematics
Lund University, Box 118
221 00 Lund
Anders.Holst (a)
Period of stay:
1998/08/08 until 1998/08/22
Node: Aarhus
Martin Jacobsen
(Afdeling for Teoretisk Statistik, H.C. Ørsted Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø)
martin (a)
Period of stay:
1998/10/15 until 1998/12/15
Node: Aarhus
Geurt Jongbloed
(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Vrije Universiteit,
de Boelelaan 1081a,
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands)
geurt (a)
Period of stay:
1998/07/06 until 1998/07/11
Node: Aarhus
Mathieu Kessler
(Departamento de Matemática Aplicada,
Universidad de Murcia,
Campus de Cartagena,
Paseo Alfonso XIII,
30203 Cartagena., Spain.
kessler (a)
Period of stay:
1998/10/01 until 1998/11/30
Node: Copenhagen
Tu Quocthang Le
(Department of Mathematics, 106 Diefendorf Hall, SUNY, Buffalo, NY 14214, U.S.A.)
letu (a)
Period of stay:
1998/11/22 until 1998/11/28
Node: Aarhus
Nikolai Leonenko
(Kiev University, Department of Mathematics,
Vlamirskaya 64, 252601 Kiev, Ukraine)
aki (a)
Period of stay:
1998/09/09 until 1998/09/29
Node: Aarhus
- Elliot Lieb (Department of Mathematics and Physics, Princeton University)
Period of stay:
1998/09/03 until 1998/09/06
Node: Copenhagen
Yuri Makeenko
makeenko (a)
Period of stay:
1998/11/11 until 1998/12/31
Node: Copenhagen
Yuri Makeenko
makeenko (a)
Period of stay:
1998/08/23 until 1998/10/23
Node: Copenhagen
Richard Melrose
(Department of Mathematics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA)
Period of stay:
1998/11/04 until 1998/11/08
Node: Aarhus
Thomas Mikosch
(University of Groningen,
Department of Mathematics,
P.O. Box 800,
9700 AV Groningen,
The Netherlands)
T.Mikosch (a)
Period of stay:
1998/08/01 until 1998/08/10
Node: Aarhus
Geoff Nicholls
(Mathematics Department,
Auckland University,
New Zealand)
Period of stay:
1998/11/04 until 1998/11/07
Node: Aalborg
Geoff Nicholls
(Mathematics Department,
Auckland University,
Private Bag 92019,
New Zealand )
nicholls (a)
Period of stay:
1998/11/16 until 1998/11/18
Node: Aalborg
Rimas Norvaisa
(Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
Vilnius, Lithuania)
norvaisa (a)
Period of stay:
1998/08/01 until 1998/08/10
Node: Aarhus
T. Ohtsuki
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Period of stay:
1998/10/12 until 1998/10/16
Node: Aarhus
Peter Perry
(University of Kentucky)
perry (a)
Period of stay:
1998/11/03 until 1998/11/08
Node: Aarhus
Lev Rajeev
rajeev (a)
Period of stay:
1998/10/18 until 1998/10/23
Node: Aarhus
- Beth Ruskai (University of Massachussets, Lowell)
bruskai (a)
Period of stay:
1998/04/26 until 1998/05/08
Node: Copenhagen
Gorm Salomonsen
(Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Ny Munkegade, Building 530,
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark)
gorm (a)
Period of employment:
1998/09/01 until 1999/09/30
Node: Aarhus
Albert N. Shiryaev
(Steklov Mathematical Institute, Gubkina Str. 8, 117966 Moscow, Russia)
Period of stay:
1998/07/26 until 1998/09/22
Node: Aarhus
- Wolfgang Spitzer (University of Copenhagen
spitzer (a)
Period of stay:
1998/09/01 until 1999/08/31
Node: Copenhagen
Vladimir Turaev
(Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, ULP et CNRS
7 rue René-Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France.)
turaev (a)
Period of stay:
1998/07/01 until 1998/08/31
Node: Aarhus
Kenji Ueno
(Kyoto University, Japan)
Period of stay:
1998/11/25 until 1998/12/04
Node: Aarhus
Andras Vasy
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Evans Hall,
Berkeley, CA 94720,
andras (a)
Period of stay:
1998/11/03 until 1998/11/08
Node: Aarhus
Oleg Viro
Period of stay:
1998/11/28 until 1998/12/03
Node: Aarhus
- Nakahiro Yoshida (Tokyo)
Period of stay:
1998/10/28 until 1998/11/06
Node: Copenhagen
Maciej Zworski
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California,
Evans Hall,
CA 94720, USA)
zworski (a)
Period of stay:
1998/11/04 until 1998/11/08
Node: Aarhus
Bernt Øksendal
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Oslo, PB 1053 Blindern,
N-0316 Oslo, Norway)
oksendal (a)
Period of stay:
1998/05/25 until 1998/05/29
Node: Aarhus