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Vol.2, Issue No. 1. September 2003

Funded by The Danish National Research Foundation

Horia Cornean

Horia Cornean

Horia Cornean got his PhD from the University of Bucharest in 1999, with a thesis in spectral analysis of magnetic Schroedinger and Dirac operators. He had been employed at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy during the period 1995-2000, before coming to Denmark as Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics in Aalborg. Since May 2003 he has been employed as Associate Professor at the same department. From June 2003 he has become a Scientific Member of MaPhySto.

His research interests are mainly in mathematical physics, with applications in various fields of quantum mechanics. Further information may be found on his personal webpage at: http://www.math.auc.dk/~cornean/index.html