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The Danish National Research Foundation:
Network in Mathematical Physics and Stochastics

Funded by The Danish National Research Foundation
Mathematical Physics Seminar
Tuesday, 5 August 2003, at 15:00 in Kol. G, University of Aarhus
Ira W. Herbst
Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
Absence of quantum states corresponding to unstable classical channels

Consider the example of a classical system with electric or magnetic field homogeneous of degree -1. Generically there will be a finite number of directions in space in which a particle can move freely to infinity. These orbits can be stable or unstable depending on the behavior of the linearized equations. In a framework which generalizes these examples, we show that there are no quantum states corresponding to unstable classical channels. This is joint work with Erik Skibsted.

Contact person:Arne Jensen.