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Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aarhus

Funded by The Danish National Research Foundation

MPS-RR 2000-8
February 2000

Nonparametric estimation of the chord length distribution


Martin Bøgsted Hansen

Erik W. van Zwet


The distribution of the length of a typical chord of a stationary random set is an interesting feature of the set's whole distribution. We give a nonparametric estimator of the chord length distribution and prove its strong consistency. We report on a simulation experiment in which our estimator compared favorably to a reduced sample estimator. Both estimators are illustrated by applying them to an image sample from a yoghurt ferment. We briefly discuss the closely related problem of estimation of the linear contact distribution. We show by a simulation experiment that a transformation of our estimator of the chord length distribution is more efficient than a Kaplan-Meier type estimator of the linear contact distribution.

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This paper has now been published in Adv. in Appl. Probab. 33, 541--558 (2001)